FREE MEMBERSHIP: The Entrepreneurial Investor’s Book Club:
“You cannot get out of the way of things you cannot see moving toward you… “
Dr. Buckminster Fuller or Kiyosaki’s quote about risk is investor – not the deal
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Hi, I’m Doug Fath… a Philadelphia based Entrepreneur, Investor,Real Estate Developer, husband, and I’m extremely passionate about financial education.
Last year we started a little book club with investors and business owners… to gain greater insight into the global economy to help understand where we have come from economically as well as obtain some different perspectives as to where we are headed and the impact that has on our businesses and investments
When my business partner proposed a “book club”… at first I was like… “Man, I HATE reading… I haven’t read for 6 years… and even then… the only books I read were forced on me by my teachers at school”.
To me, reading was (and still sometimes is) like pulling teeth.
… when my business partner said, “Ya, we’ll all read the same book… then we’ll hop on a call at the end of the month and we’ll as a team discuss the book, our thoughts, breakthroughs, and ways we can apply at least 1-2 of the concepts or mindset shifts to our life and businesses.”…
Something Finally Clicked For Me With Books…
gain, I’m not much of a reader… but something about the way we put together this simple little book club DID CLICK. I went from reading ZERO books in 6 years to that first year reading 1 book a month.
And that year I grew more personally then I ever had in my entire life.
Was it 100% because of the books I’d learned from that year?
Who knows… but I do know that a some of my biggest personal breakthroughs that year came from a few of the books we’d read.
But not just the books we read as a famous quote says… “Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting”
So, since we started that book club… I’ve started a book club for our local Young Entrepreneur Group in Roseburg, Oregon.
That little local book club has grown to over 100 entrepreneurs from around the U.S. that have joined our book club list in the past year to read the same book we’re reading each month, and many of them make it on our live call (on a conference line) to discuss / debate the book and talk about how we can put some of the concepts in each book to work in our own lives.
Those calls are a powerful thing.
How Is Our Book Club Organized?
First off, it’s currently FREE (I may in the future charge a nominal fee like $50/yr or something, but for now if you get in, it’s free).
Second, we keep it simple.
Here’s what we do…
- I announce the book here on my blog and via email to the book club list each month. It’s not always on the first of the month… but we do it every month. Then, you just go buy the book on your own (or, if you want us to just send you a book automatically, we can do it… for the price of the book + shipping + $10 for our time to get it to you (usually about $25-$30/mo).
- We read the book.
- We hop on a teleconference call line to discuss the book for 30 mins. (optional)
That’s it.
The missing pieces that I never had before that now help me read 12 powerful books a year AND actually enjoy it… are…
- The power of community – now I can hear other perspectives from other book club members, discuss them, and learn from other members too!
- The power of the deadline – I work on deadlines. If I don’t have a deadline to finish a book… it’ll sit on my nightstand for a year (ask me how I know that). So, since we’re reading a book each month and have a scheduled call… I’m motivated to get the book done. Simple.
- We “digest” the book each month on a live call – This is a biggie for me. I used to finish reading then just go onto the next book and never look at my dogeared pages I’d marked ever again. I’ve found some of the most powerful shifts I’ve had are on our monthly calls during our discussions.
This Ain’t Just A Big “Business Book Love Fest” Either…
To me business books are the most boring type of book. But, books are sometimes the single best resource (behind a mentor) to help you gain a new perspective or way of doing things to help you get past certain roadblocks in your business.
The types of books we read tend to be all over the map… but they all have in common the idea that they’ll help us improve our lives as entrepreneurs in one way or another.
We usually only read 3 or 4 “business” books a year. Too many business ideas… and you get too scattered and unfocused.
The rest of the time we’re reading books that help us gain new perspective in some other area of life.
Could be personal growth, could be on focus, on happiness, on how to have more fun, how to be more adventurous, have more purpose in life, how to push forward your cause in the world… you get the idea.
So you won’t be bored to death with business book after business book in this book club.
Improve Your Life In 2014. Join The “Purposeful Entrepreneurs Book Club” FOR FREE on this page.
If this is what you’ve been looking for… awesome.
Subscribe simply by putting in your name and email in the form in the upper right of this page (or below).
Then be on the lookout for our next book club announcement.
I’m excited to see this book club grow and to meet new entrepreneurs from around the world who want more purpose, more connection, more adventure, and more happiness in life… and books are one way to help gain more of that each and every day.
See you on the inside!
– Trevor
Awesome Quotes On Reading…
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body”. – Richard Steele
“A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking.” – Jerry Seinfeld
Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers. President Harry Truman
“No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.” – Confucius
The more you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go” – Dr. Seuss
Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” – Frederick Douglas
Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Ghandi
“The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read.” – Mark Twain
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– Carolina Private Money